Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Days are getting Longer

I was watching CBS' The Early Show this morning and learned that a 4th Century Pope had declared December 25th the birthdate of Jesus, the reason was to coincide with the Roman celebration of the winter solstice (a time when gifts were exchanged to celebrate the return of the sun).

The things I learned this year:
1) When the teenage daughter sees you wrapping the ipod nano you got for wife and says "Mommy is not a teenager", the translation is "I want an ipod".
2) After an hour of listening to her complaining about various things centered around not getting ipod that she never hinted for before Sunday it may amuse your wife and self to suggest same daughter has a spelling error on her "Abercrombie & Fitch" t-shirt but wrath of daughter is severe when said out loud.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Afercrombie & Bitch?


GG in the tourney today, was nice to watch some Omadraw Hi!

As for the daughter...

I can only wait till my daughter is like that.
