Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Small Ball Poker

I recently noticed that I have not had to use my FullTilt points on tourney entries to replenish bankroll and had creeped up to quantity to get ipod (Nano 8G).

I also observed a few time periods of double points for rush poker as well as 'late night' double points 8-10 Pacific.

After careful consideration I think I prefer 8G ipod Touch at 45k points over 16G ipod Nano at 41k points.

Since Friday night I have gotten in 5k hands of rush PLO, cranked out 6k points once you factor in bonus and probably rarned $150 in rake back. Now I have to figure out a few things.
1) Am I better off buying ipod from local Crapple store with rakeback cash?
2) How many value bets am I missing on river to have the disparity I have in showdown winnings vs. pots w/o showdon?
3) Is real problem calling too much pre-flop or after turn ith speculative hands?

Other financial matter to figure out is Cisco's 401k provider allows me to set different contribution percentage for bonus vs. salary.

Would I rather set % same for both or set salary % to 5% to collect matching 4.5% and bonus contribution to 35-70% to hit yearly ceiling as they seem to provide information on what bonus gross will be a month before payout?


DrChako said...

I'm a little confused, but it sounds like free money at Cisco, no? Seems a good deal to me.


Bayne_S said...

Not all of us have a wife that manages money better.

Maximizing Cisco benefits requires 4.5% 401k contribution and 10% ESPP contribution.

Private companies give stock options as big pay boost, public it is generally bonus with options for grunts being smaller and without same growth potential.

US Govt limits
2011 401k limit is $17k.
2012 401k limit is $23k.

Taking $1500/month off the gross or $2k/month off the gross pay for 401k seems painful compared to taking $500 or $1000 off the gross pay each month and contributing up to 75% of a bonus that I am used to not getting.

Especially if I am already taking 10% of the gross off the net for ESPP (but I think I can sell the 10% of salary stock and lock in 1.5%(of pay) minimum every 6 months

jjok said...

when are bonuses paid out? If end of year, and even if they give you a months notice, the risk of lowballing your salary contribution is you might not be able to make a full annual contribution......if there is a surprise bonus number on the downside.

always best to space it out, imo.....up the salary % contributing to 401K.

Rakeback Power said...

I wouldn't put too much emphasis on show down vs non show down winnings. I've played both extreme to balance out those numbers and the bottom line is it makes zip difference as long as the middle lines keep trending upwards. If you improve one, the other will generally suffer. Well played.
