Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fawk Rush Poker

Being on the West Coast is brutal. I have been summoned to the SVP in charge of IT here because they apparently don't have enough bandwidth to get files streamed between corporate sites and handle Waffles IM barrage as he plays Rush poker.

How the fuck do you stream so many hand comments?

Could you multi-table please to slow IM down?

Fawk if Cisco's servers can't handle the traffic then who can?


Unknown said...

Pooor Bayne, I don't think he can multitask like Wawfuls.

Step 1 for multitasking like wawfuls : Remove all clothes (causes unneeded friction)

Step 2 : Have a picture nearby that you can groan to...

Step 3 : Type REALLYYYY Fast!

karl1990 said...

Some people's comments very civilized, or very intense, not so gentle. This comment can be deleted. NFL Draft