Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Take one stab at a job

Photo is from Queensland Tourism Board.
Apparently the Queensland tourism board has created a 12 hour a month job to be an island caretaker. Job-seekers can apply at Islandreefjob.com. Pay seems okay since the duties involve vacationing and exploring the Barrier Reef. I may still apply but snorkeling seems required. Luckily I saw another story that gives me a way to raise cash for snorkeling lessons.
Full story of job can be found here.
Founder of current company came up with product idea while snorkeling, maybe I can too.
Edit: Mentioned the selling 14 yo daughter story to boss. He pointed out that demon child would be returned so I could make money on both ends of transaction.
Edit (part deux): I let slip boss's comment with daughter and that she is referenced as demon child on occasion. I must now add disclaimer that I was kidding since daughter can be humourless.

1 comment:

lj said...

i couldn't get link to work earlier. i'm obv applying.