No hand in middle stages is memorable as I finished winning a point satellite into Brawl.

And I started playing blogger cash without getting crap for cards. I was in violation of rule #1 (no cash with LJ) but we ended night civil towards each other since bad beat I delivered was for a smaller pot and $16k in cashes in a week has mellowed her.
Tournament Details
* Day of week: Tuesday January 29, 2008
* Start Time: 9:05 pm ET
* Tournament Name: "Online Poker Blogger Tournament" at Bodog
* Entry Password: bodogblogger
* Buy-in + fee: $10 + $1
* Starting Chips: 3000 (Double Stack)
* Payout: Standard Bodog payout structure
* Bonuses: * T$109 bonus paid to the top 5 finishers.
* T$11 bonus paid to the 5 players that are eliminated prior to payouts.
* These bonuses will be awarded within 24hrs of the tournament completion.
* T$ = Tournament Credits. These can be used as a buy in to almost all scheduled tournaments at Bodog and have a ratio to cash of 1:1.
* T$ can also be combined with cash to buy in to tournaments.
Skill series is PL HE tonight
6:30 pm
Full Tilt
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