In order to avoid fully entering the 4th Circle of Poker Blogging Hell I will attempt to include some positive comments about play and change the names of players involved in plays that offended.
IcrushBloggers (he is anonymous so no need to change name) eliminated me from Bodonkey last night. I jammed from cutoff for ~1310 (150/300 blinds) he called from BB with 98o and rivered a straight. Since he was getting 2:1 on money and I don't remember what % of his stack was involved in call I am left with thought nice call.
There was going to be screen shot of PTO here but yet again you could not expand pic. Why does this not work for me?
Stats for year:
8/16 2000 hands +$900
3/6 1200 hands -$536
2/4 700 hands -$300
I pulled up my PokerTracker stats for the year playing 8/16, 3/6 and 2/4 O8. It might be I am more familar with the 8/16 pool of players to explain why the profitable level is 8/16 but I believe the unpredictability of bad players disrupts my O8 play.
This would not bode well for skills game:
I had AA cracked by such stellar hands as AKT7 and K332. It was made worse in that the K332 hand saw an 24J flop which looked real good to my AA56 ds and that is a terrible flop for the K332 until the K turn and Q river bails it out.
My frustration led me to limp from EP with 2467.

I was rewarded with an excellent flop for my POS shit so I bet flop after it was checked to me and IronGirl was the only caller. The Jd was not card on turn I was looking for but at least it gave me flush draw so after an IG checked I bet again. I hated the river but knew that only way to win was bet, IG folded and miracle of miracles I had seen a blogger fold in Skillz O8.
Most frustrating hand of night was one where blogger (henceforth negEVHi) limped, I raised my AA58 ds, player to my right (henceforth negEVlo) called it folded around to negEVHi and he called.
Flop was 4s6s6x.
negEVHi checked.
I bet since I had nut flush draw.
negEVlo raised.
negEVHi raised.
Since I know a hand with 3 wheel cards and a 6 will see a lot of flops with only 3 involved the possibility of trip 6s is non zero nor is a flopped boat. Since I am not drawing to nut low I prudently fold.
negEVlo raises capping.
I believe turn also saw a capped betting round (sdly no hand history but I believe it was a 9)
River 5s saw a check from negEVHi a bet from negEVlo and call from negEVHi.
Cards come up and I am stunned to see neither of these 2 has a 6.
Neither of these 2 has 44.
Neither of these 2 has a flush draw.
Neither of these 2 has a wrap.
They capped the flop because negEVlo had A23, negEVHi had KK and 3 bet flop with 2 pair.
Hopefully negEVHi learned something about what a POS hand KKxx is in O8
Having folded best hand on flop and rivered flush against these 2 put me on such HoyTilt that I chased down a boat against Rakefeeder. In my defense I think his checkraising me on the flop priced me in, especially since I was sure he would lead out on paired board on turn or river.
IcrushBloggers (he is anonymous so no need to change name) eliminated me from Bodonkey last night. I jammed from cutoff for ~1310 (150/300 blinds) he called from BB with 98o and rivered a straight. Since he was getting 2:1 on money and I don't remember what % of his stack was involved in call I am left with thought nice call.
There was going to be screen shot of PTO here but yet again you could not expand pic. Why does this not work for me?
Stats for year:
8/16 2000 hands +$900
3/6 1200 hands -$536
2/4 700 hands -$300
I pulled up my PokerTracker stats for the year playing 8/16, 3/6 and 2/4 O8. It might be I am more familar with the 8/16 pool of players to explain why the profitable level is 8/16 but I believe the unpredictability of bad players disrupts my O8 play.
This would not bode well for skills game:
I had AA cracked by such stellar hands as AKT7 and K332. It was made worse in that the K332 hand saw an 24J flop which looked real good to my AA56 ds and that is a terrible flop for the K332 until the K turn and Q river bails it out.
My frustration led me to limp from EP with 2467.

I was rewarded with an excellent flop for my POS shit so I bet flop after it was checked to me and IronGirl was the only caller. The Jd was not card on turn I was looking for but at least it gave me flush draw so after an IG checked I bet again. I hated the river but knew that only way to win was bet, IG folded and miracle of miracles I had seen a blogger fold in Skillz O8.
Most frustrating hand of night was one where blogger (henceforth negEVHi) limped, I raised my AA58 ds, player to my right (henceforth negEVlo) called it folded around to negEVHi and he called.
Flop was 4s6s6x.
negEVHi checked.
I bet since I had nut flush draw.
negEVlo raised.
negEVHi raised.
Since I know a hand with 3 wheel cards and a 6 will see a lot of flops with only 3 involved the possibility of trip 6s is non zero nor is a flopped boat. Since I am not drawing to nut low I prudently fold.
negEVlo raises capping.
I believe turn also saw a capped betting round (sdly no hand history but I believe it was a 9)
River 5s saw a check from negEVHi a bet from negEVlo and call from negEVHi.
Cards come up and I am stunned to see neither of these 2 has a 6.
Neither of these 2 has 44.
Neither of these 2 has a flush draw.
Neither of these 2 has a wrap.
They capped the flop because negEVlo had A23, negEVHi had KK and 3 bet flop with 2 pair.
Hopefully negEVHi learned something about what a POS hand KKxx is in O8
Having folded best hand on flop and rivered flush against these 2 put me on such HoyTilt that I chased down a boat against Rakefeeder. In my defense I think his checkraising me on the flop priced me in, especially since I was sure he would lead out on paired board on turn or river.
Omaha hi/lo is the dumbest poker game ever. only slightly worse than razz.
If your going to refer to my bad play of KK then atleast Link me up.
I don't mind the critque of the hand.
I have also learned my lesson.
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