Had played well early and managed to trap Hoy for a nice chunk of his chips when I called his late position raise from SB with QQ and managed to flop top set, haven't figured out his exact holding but managed to collect quite a few of his chips when a 4 on turn paired board. Managed to have WilWonka and Smokkee push into me when I held AA but probably got caught stealing 1/2 of my attempts.
My real and virtual worlds collided when a friend from my live poker game interjected a critique of Hoy's play. In Pencilgeeks live tournament I always get eliminated with a bad beat so he has observed far less fonkery from me than Hoy has.
Making matter's worse I was the bubble boyin tournament pencilgeek talked me into playing when my AA2Q was outflopped by an AKJ9 and AKQJ.
Nice game last night. Though no offense, I give you very little credit for the "trap" there, as the 4 on the turn gave me trips with 54s and there was basically no way I'm getting out of losing a lot of chips in that hand. The big star of that hand in fact was me not getting stacked when I knew you had me beat, although truth be told I figured you were on a higher 4 when I folded. Anyways you played great once again and are now into the top 5 in the Hoy standings for the year, way to go. Less than one measly dollar under me in fact. Enjoy it.
Good Job! Enjoy the view from the top of the BBT!
I guess trip 4s 5 kicker is going to cost you some chips Hoy as my 1st bet may indicate Q and my min-reraise prices you into drawing for boat even knowing you are outkicked.
I forgot the two big cooler hands where I flopped middle set and someone else flopped open ended straight flush draw at FT when I was sitting 1st and Mattazuma was ~3rd and he limped from SB with A4 and I checked with A9 from BB (both disguising strength) only to see an AA9 flop
Good game last night. I was replaying that hand over and over in my head afterwards, trying to figure how I could have played it better.
You've been tagged! Go to http://KajaguguPoker.blogspot.com to see what it's all about.
And thanks for helping me out with that Token Frenzy yesterday. I got my token finally.
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