Thursday, June 07, 2007

8 Hours Until Vegas

Getting through Workday is taking forever!

Bags are packed.

Made trip to Bank yesterday.
Felt strange to make a deposit prior to Vegas trip but had receied checks from Homeowners Insurance and Mortgage Company settling post closing balances.

Southwest Airlines Boarding Pass is printed.

As a former Rugby player I must adhere to the code that "What goes on the road stays on the road" so a post trip report from me will be dull. I have a 16 year streak of not cheating on my wife intact but I ask if any gambling stories are told about me please reduce the size of the wagers to min bets! All other stories fair game. Posting pictures of me are allowed.

Overplayed AK (suited) early in Mookie and then got knocked out with AA the very next hand.
Both times it was all-in pre-flop and I was up against TT that flopped set.


SirFWALGMan said...

BWAHAHAHAH! Cursed by Waffles!

CarmenSinCity said...


Can't wait to hangout with everyone!!!!