Friday, March 07, 2008

Questions of the Day?

From time I have started working the orange topped coffee pot has been decaf. I believe 1st time I saw this was in 1981 in San Diego. Who made this decision? Why was orange the choice?

Made a bad (but small bluff) at StB in PLO last night. It was the fact that bluff could not be big that made it real bad and it occurred on river. The nut flush bluff works far better on the turn with a pot building bluff because opponent has to worry about size of river bet as well.

Someone else at table early made a bad play that cost me a shot at a big pot. In PLO flopping a nut flush is nice but they gave the other players in hand a free card. I turned top trips with 6 sure outs to nut boat and an Ace for probably 3 more outs. The nut boat checked, flush now chose to bet I called hoping for a card and SB potted. We were still deep enough that I would have been able to call SB but flush went to felt drawing dead and river Ace made me sad.

I cracked Aces (AAT7) once with KKJT ds, I thought J97 flop made me 55-45 favorite so I bet out and called small raise. Since one of my gutters was for chop I was really 40-45 dog with 15% chop. River J eliminated Dwal347 and left him in a small state of disbelief.

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