MiamiDon has his 2 FTOPS sunday bubbles, but I am now 2 for 2 being eliminated in FullTilt HU blogger tournies where I started off match at chip deficit. Back in the Headsup Dookie, they started a new match as soon as 2 people were available so by the time I got through 1st match OOSSUUU had managed to accumulate 12k chips to my piddly 3k.
Loretta may not have imagined that a poker site embarking on head's up tournaments could still screw them up put apparently restarting the chips each round is too complicated for Tilt's crack team so power of 2 entrants is forced on public tournies.
MATH is tonight, will see if still running bad on FullTilt
i agree, it was a huge disadvante as my opponent could survive a suckout and we had no margin for error
You can't run a hu tournament like this, everybody knows that.
But I am in talks with ftp today about starting the MATH tonight with everyone having different chip counts. You know, just for shits n giggles.
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